D4Dairy presented at the 10th Kremesberg conference
by Kristina Linke (comments: 0)
On 31 January 2020, the 10th Kremesberg Conference "Stock management of ruminants" took place at the VetFarm of Vetmeduni Vienna. The possibility of online participation was also offered.
This year's main topic was "Digitalisation in Farm Animal Practice". This was presented with lectures on reproduction, vaccination, documentation, precision livestock farming, digital technologies and their acceptance from all sides. D4Dairy Area Manager Birgit Fürst-Waltl presented the topics and goals as well as the current status of the D4Dairy project. Marc Drillich, Head of Stock Management and D4Dairy Project Manager, presented the D4Dairy partner project FFoQSI. Gerd Sanders (D4Dairy Partner Allflex) gave a presentation on digital recording of the cow's inner life and the D4Dairy partners SmaXtec, Pessl, ZuchtData and ZAR presented themselves with a stand at the conference.