D4Dairy represented at the 10th ECPLF in Vienna

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368 participants from 28 countries attended the 10th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming and the 3rd International Conference on Precision Dairy Farming from 29 August to 2 September. The perfectly organised conference took place in beautiful weather at the Vetmeduni in Vienna.

The D4Dairy project was represented with the following contributions:

  • D4Dairy – Interdisciplinary network for creating added value out of different data sources. C. Egger-Danner, K. Linke, B. Fuerst-Waltl, P. Klimek, O. Saukh, T. Wittek, D4Dairy-Consortium; Session 12 “Consortia Presentations”
  • Association of activity and time spent ruminating with subclinical and clinical ketosis in early lactation dairy cows. K. Schodl, B. Fuerst-Waltl, H. Schwarzenbacher, F. Steininger, M. Suntinger, D4Dairy Consortium and C. Egger-Danner; Session 9 „Cows: Health and Production”
  • “MastiMIR” Mastitis early warning system based on MIR spectrometric tools in D4Dairy MIR Project. M Dale, A. Werner, F. J. Auer, A. Köck, C. Egger-Danner, N. Gengler, C. Grelet, J. Leblois, L. Rienesl, J. Sölkner; Poster
  • Ketosis and energy balance milk MIR spectral predictions- Practical application. Werner, L.M. Dale, H. Spiekers, F.J. Auer, A. Köck, C. Egger-Danner, J. Bieger, K. Drössler, E. Stamer, P. Hertel-Böhnke; Poster


Further informationen und photos: Press release Vetmeduni

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