International Committee for Performance Testing (ICAR) met in Prague
by Kristina Linke (comments: 0)

Dr. Christa Egger-Danner was invited to one of the 4 main lectures of the conference. She spoke about "Internet of Cows - Opportunities and Challenges for Improving Health, Welfare and Efficiency in Dairying".

The impact of the numerous new technologies on the design and implementation of the performance assessment was discussed in a separate session. Dr. Florian Grandl (LKV Bayern) presented the complexities of metabolic and claw health and the opportunities and challenges that automation and digitisation offer for the acquisition of new characteristics. The D4Dairy project takes up these technological developments and is working on linking different data sources and using them for new tools for herd management and for the provision of new data for breeding evaluation.

In Dr. Walter Obritzhauser's contribution results from ADDA (predecessor project of D4Dairy) and the Electronic Drug Book (EMED) were presented. In D4Dairy, project 1.3 now builds on this with tools for decision support to improve udder health and the reduction of antibiotics.
Dr. Laura Monica Dale presented first results from KetoMIR2 for modelling the ketosis risk.
Contributions from D4Dairy:
- Internet of cows – opportunities and challenges for improving health, welfare and efficiency in dairying – C. Egger-Danner, B. Fürst-Waltl, P. Klimek, O. Saukh, T. Wittek (invited)
- Opportunities and challenges of new technologies for performance recording with focus on claw health and metabolism – F. Grandl, J. Kofler, M. Suntinger, P. Majcen, M. Mayerhofer, F. Papst, O. Saukh, M. Fallast, A. Turkaspa, F. Steininger, K. Linke, J. Duda, T. Wittek, B. Fuerst-Waltl, F.J. Auer, C. Egger-Danner
- Integration bacteriological milk examination into decision support for reduced use of antimicrobials – W. Obritzhauser, M. Mayerhofer, M. Suntinger, C. L. Firth, K. Fuchs, A. Käsbohrer, T. Wittek, B. Fuerst-Waltl, C. Egger-Danner
- “KetoMIR2" - modelling of ketosis risk using vets diagnosis and MIR spectra for dairy cows in early lactation - A. Werner, F. Gollé-Leidreiter, K. Droessler, F. J. Auer, M. Mayerhofer, A. Köck, C. Egger-Danner, L.M. Dale