Presentation of lameness prediction at the ICAR Interbull meeting
by Kristina Linke (comments: 0)
The "2021 Virtual ICAR-Interbull" was held virtually from 26-30 April 2021 due to Corona.
Dr Katharina Schodl presented the paper "The D4Dairy-Project - How digitalisation and data integration pave the way to dairy health improvement" in the session "Implementing new traits in genetic and genomic evaluation systems: Health and Fertility" on 26 April.
In D4Dairy, research is being conducted on the development of a prediction model for lameness. The aim is the integration of different information and data to enhance early lameness detection and decision-support on individual farms. The approach is based on the idea that lame cows show changes in performance and behaviour, even before they show clinical signs of claw disorders. By integrating already existing data (performance, health, milking and sensor systems) a decision-support tool for early lameness detection and prediction should be developed. The purpose is to improve prevention, early detection and successful treatment of lameness and therefore animal health on farms.
D4Dairy also made it onto the ICAR poster with this presentation.