Press conference: Digitalisation in the dairy barn - potential without borders?
by Kristina Linke (comments: 0)

On September 4, 2019, the Zentrale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Rinderzüchter (ZAR) invited to a press conference on the topic "Digitalization in the dairy barn - potential without borders?" at the Rieder Fair. On the podium, representatives of the D4Dairy Partners discussed current developments around digitalisation in the stable and current research projects of RINDERZUCHT AUSTRIA. Dr. Christa Egger-Danner presented the project D4Diary.
The following experts were available to answer questions on the podium:
- DI Martin Stegfellner (ZAR-Managing Director)
- Stefan Lindner (ZAR-Chairman)
- Andreas Täubl (Chairman LKV Steiermark)
- DI Markus Koblmüller (LFL-Managing Director)
- Andreas Feichtlbauer (Managing Director Lely Österreich)
- Dr. Christa Egger-Danner (ZuchtData, Consortium leader D4Dairy)
- Franz Wasserbauer (Wasserbauer GmbH)
- DI Mario Fallast (smaXtec animal care GmbH)