D4Dairy PhD student Lisa Maria Rienesl wins presentation award
by Kristina Linke (comments: 0)
Lisa Maria Rienesl is a doctoral student at the BOKU in Vienna. Within the framework of D4Dairy she is working on her dissertation on the topic "Prediction of mastitis and pregnancy state from milk mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy in dairy cows and the genetic background of MIR predicted phenotypes”.
On June 24, 2020, at the 28th International Symposium 'Animal Science Days', which took place online this year, she presented the results of a study (D4Dairy Project 2.2) with the title "Prediction of pregnancy state from milk mid infrared (MIR) spectroscopy in dairy cows" and won the prize for the best presentation in the category "Health, Reproduction and Behaviour".
The study is concerned with the development of models for the prediction of pregnancy from infrared spectra of milk routinely collected during milk performance testing (for the determination of ingredients). The aim of the study is to provide pregnancy probabilities for each cow on each test day, which will serve as additional information to already existing methods of pregnancy detection.
D4Dairy congratulates!