Third D4Dairy Annual Meeting took place in Linz
by Kristina Linke (comments: 0)
The third D4Dairy Annual Meeting took place in Linz on 22 and 23 September 2021.
It was hosted by the Chamber of Agriculture of Upper Austria and the Upper Austrian Insemination Station. The D4Dairy consortium leader Dr. Christa Egger-Danner, the Vice-President of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Agriculture ÖR Karl Grabmayr and the Managing Director of the Upper Austrian Insemination Station and the D4Dairy partner FIH DI Dr. Josef Miesenberger welcomed the 59 participants. After an exciting keynote lecture on "Open Science with closed data: Data Spaces and Data Circles" by Prof. Allan Hanbury, progress in the Area 1 projects was presented and discussed with the numerous partners present under the chairmanship of Prof. Olga Saukh.
Franz Papst (Graz University of Technology, Institute of Computer Engineering), presented the technology and concept of D4Dairy Data and tools to ensure data quality and data protection. Prof. Elisabeth Quendler (BOKU, Institute of Agricultural Engineering), presented the results of the analysis and evaluation of the work processes in dairy farms. Dr. Katharina Schodl (ZuchtData) spoke about the use of smaXtec sensors, Mag. Lena Lemmens (VetMedUni Vienna, Clinic for Ruminants) about the use of SCR sensors and data from automatic milking systems for early detection of lameness. Prof. Dr. Johann Kofler (Vetmeduni, Vienna) presented the newly developed benchmarking for claw health. DI Steininger (ZuchtData) showed results from investigations on concentrate use efficiency based on on-farm data from a master thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. Dr. Clair Firth (VetMedUni Vienna, Institute for Public Veterinary Affairs) presented results from the harmonisation of testing for antibiotic resistance in milk and studies on the effects of feeding waste milk to calves. DI Martin Stegfellner (Rinderzucht Austria) showed the results of the survey on the different forms of advice under the title " Internet, telephone or on farm - what form of consulting may it be?".
In the afternoon of the first day, the participants had the opportunity to see digitalisation on the farm during a visit to Markus Gruber's farm in St. Georgen am Walde and to discuss it with the farmer and among themselves. The farm has been modernised and expanded in recent years and great attention has been paid to the comfort for the 72 dairy cows. Markus Gruber is supported by the equipment with milking robot, manure removal system and feeding robot and the possibility of monitoring and control via smartphone and thus has more time for the individual care of his cows and the herd management.
On day 2, Prof. Peter Klimek (Complexity Science Hub and Medical University of Vienna) moderated the five sub-projects in Area 2. Prof. Peter Klimek presented the results of the Big Data analyses, such as farm risk profiles and models to identify risk factors for disease detection. Andreas Werner (LKV Baden-Württemberg) and Prof. Johann Sölkner (BOKU) presented the use of milk infrared spectra for monitoring health status in the herd and early detection of problems. Lorenz Maurer (BOKU) presented results on housing climate measurements made for studies on the effects of housing climate on animal health and welfare. Dr. Katharina Schodl presented studies on the use of sensor and AMS data as new breeding traits for animal health. Felipe Penagos-Tabares (Vetmeduni Vienna) and Cameron Strachan (FFoQSI) showed results on the detection of mycotoxins in feed and their impact on fertility and animal health.
All presentations were discussed with the numerous partners present. The annual meeting was used to strengthen the synergies between the different areas of expertise and thus generate additional added value from digitalisation for all farmers and partners involved. It was noticeable that the participants very much appreciated the personal exchange of ideas, which was fortunately possible again after the Corona break last year.
Some impressions of the 3rd D4Dairy Annual Meeting: